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DIFFUL SOLAR POOL PUMP-Application and Technical Requirements of Pool Pumps


Pool Pump UsageRange

1. Indoor andoutdoor water supply and drainage equipment for various types of swimmingpools.

2. Water supply anddrainage equipment for various types and uses of water recreation pools builtindoors and outdoors.

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The role of thepool water pump is to allow the water to circulate.

Its technicalrequirements are:

(1) The number ofcirculating water pumps is suitable for configuring multiple pumps at the sametime to reduce the capacity of the standby pump.

(2) Thecirculating water pump should use the integrated swimming pool dedicatedcirculating pump with its own front hair filter.

(3) If cast ironcirculating water pump is selected, the impeller should be made of copper orstainless steel. The mechanical seal should be corrosion-resistant material.The motor should be fully enclosed.

(4) Whenconditions are available, a low-speed circulating pump should be used tofacilitate flow regulation and noise reduction.

(5) Pumps andpiping should be equipped with vibration reduction and noise reductionmeasures.

(6) The pump water suction tube flow rate shouldbe 1.0 ~ 1.5m / s, the water pump outlet tube flow rate should be used 1.5-2.5m/ s.

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